List of blocks that can be crafted.
- polished granite
- polished diorite
- polished andesite
- coarse_dirt
- cobble_stone
- glass
- lapis_lizuli_block
- dispenser
- chizled_sandstone
- smooth_sandstone
- note_block
- powered_rail
- detector_rail
- sticky_piston
- piston
- gold_block
- iron_block
- stone_slab
- sand_stone_slab
- cobble_stone_slab
- brick_slab
- stone_brick_slab
- nether_brick_slab
- quarts_slab
- brick_block
- tnt
- bookcase
- torch
- wooden_stair_case
- chest
- diamond_block
- crafting_table
- furnace
- ladder
- rail
- cobblestone_stair
- leaver
- stone_pressure_plate
- wooden_pressure_plate
- red_stone_torch
- stone_button
- snow_block
- juke_box
- oak_fence
- jack_o_lantern
- trapdoor
- iron_bars
- glass_pane
- fence_gate
- brick_stair
- stone_brick_stair
- mycelium
- red_stone_lamp
- sandstone_stair
- ender_cheast
- trip_wire_hook
- emerald_block
- spruce_staircase
- birch_stair
- jungle_stair
- beacon
- cobble_stone_wall
- mossy_cobble_stone_wall
- wooden_button
- anvil
- chest
- gold_pressure_plate
- iron_pressure_plate
- daylight_sensor
- redstone_block
- nether_quartz
- hopper
- quartz_block
- chiseled_quartz
- quartz_pillar
- quartz_stair
- activator_rail
- dropper
- acacia_stair
- dark_oak_stair
- slime_block
- iron_trapdoor
- wheat_block
- hardened_clay
- coal_block
- ice
- chizled_red_sandstone
- smooth_red_sandstone
- red_sandstone_stair
- red_sandstone_slab
- flint_steel
- stick
- painting
- sign
- bucket
- water_bucket